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Why you
should attend

Artists, curators, producers:
Come engage with your peers across borders!

OpenScape offers large and small bimonthly events for artists, curators, presenters and diffusion managers to meet and exchange. The platform focuses on these stakeholders and their conversationa to engage audiences, circulate ideas, initiate collaborations, tackle emerging topics. The format of these meetings is dictated by their topic and can range from short keynotes and panels to more intimate online residencies unfolding over a longer period or open workshops. The key here is to create the adequate conditions to address the theme at hand while fostering informal exchanges during the public events.



should attend


OpenScape was developed with performing arts practitioners in mind but is open to artists of all disciplines. They are the key stakeholders of OpenScape Network.


Producers often play a key role in project development and can contribute to this platform, both on the artists' and the institutions' side.


Independent curators or persons in charge of the artistic programme of theatres and festivals are all welcome to suggest and discuss emerging topics.

Funding Institutions

Attending our events is an opportunity to collect first hand experience to design support schemes and also a good moment to publicise grants.